Additional information
type of fractal | Rudy |
formula | \[z_{n+1}=z_n^p+c\cdot{z}\] |
center x | 3.628033192503810981352436851437519788392E-02 |
center y | -4.610321077160450315026874830414788368467E-02 |
Re(p) | 12 |
Im(p) | 0E+00 |
Re(c) | 1.165436104955469565069847703853156417608E+00 |
Im(c) | 1.644730231044654392147386090528016211465E-02 |
section size | 6.536030225646734745385345835697804210818E-03 |
color style | weighted-coloring |
smoothing function | spline |
core color | 0x0 |
colormap | 004 |
post-processed | false |
siblings | 0 |
#CC30AF : 14.39%
#DFB8C0 : 13.79%
#5D5F5F : 13.17%
#A02668 : 10.56%
#51359C : 9.66%
type of fractal | Rudy | 7.43% |
Re(p) | 12 | 5.03% |
color style | weighted-coloring | 34.54% |
smoothing function | spline | 10.93% |
core color | 0x0 | 99.53% |
colormap | 004 | |
post-processed | false | 70.26% |